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Articole de cercetare publicate în jurnale internaționale de specialitate

•             L.N. Dumitrescu, et al., In Vitro Effect of Replicated Porous Polymeric Nano-MicroStructured Biointerfaces Characteristics on Macrophages Behavior, 2021, Nanomaterials, 11(8), 1913; (F.I 5.719)

•             S. Nistorescu, et al., Mitigation of Cellular and Bacterial Adhesion on Laser Modified Poly (2-Methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphorylcholine)/Polydimethylsiloxane Surface (2022), Nanomaterials, 13(1), 64 (F.I 5.719)

•             L.N. Dumitrescu et al.; New Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-butylacrylate) Copolymer Biointerfaces and Their Characteristic Influence on Cell Behavior In Vitro. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 3988. (F.I 6.2)

•             Laser engineered polymer thin films as drug delivery systems, A. Bonciu et al., Applied Physics A volume 129, Article number: 327 (2023)(Cover paper)(F.I. 2.983)

•             M. Icriverzi,..,.L. Rusen et al.,  Hybrid bio nano-porous peptides loaded- polymer platforms with antitumoral and antibacterial activity, in process de evaluare, Nanoscale Advances RSC(F.I 4.7).

•             Honeycomb structured PDMS microtopography modulates in vitro cell behaviour and bacteria growth, A. Negrescu et al., 2023 submitted Materials&Design -in evaluare (F.I 8.4)


O parte din datele obtinute si prezentate in raport/anexe fac parte din 2 manuscrise aflate in pregatire : Radial functionalized PDMS biointerfaces for controlling fibrosis development (in colaborare cu IBAR) si The influence of irregularity of PDMS linear features on long term bacteria adhesion (in colaborare cu UB si IBAR).

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