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Poster presentations

  • Influence of laser-designed microstructures density on interfaces characteristics and on preliminary responses of cells-Anca Bonciu, Alixandra Wagner, Nicoleta Dumitrescu, Valentina Marascu, Antoniu Moldovan, Cerasela Zoica Dinu, Valentina Dinca, EMRS Spring 2021 31Mai-4Iunie, online

  • Silicone textured biointerfaces for breast implant applications", V. Dinca et al., ICASS, Palma de Mallorca, Spania, 25-28 04 2022

  • Zwitterionic coatings on Polydimeylsiloxane surface for biological applications, A. Bonciu, 3rd International Conference on Bioengineering and Polymer Science , 8-9 Iunie 2023

  • New Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) modified interfaces: physical-chemical characteristics and in vitro effect on cell behaviour EMRS 2023

  • Cell behaviour modulation by new polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) modified interfaces, Icriverzi M…Dinca V, SRBBM: Sept, Cluj, Romania

  • PDMS hydrophobicity tailoring by surface modifications based on zwitterionic coatings, L.Rusen et al., NanoBio-International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Bionanoscience 2023, Heraklion, Grecia.NanoBio, Creta, 11-15 Sept 2023

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